The Organisation has reached at the third year of the Genesis from its origin in the year 2004. The builders of our Society/Organisation had a vision-a-vision to give a uniform yet speedy pace of development of all sections of people of the society particularly for the Disabled. With a view to materialize this object, the Society under the nomenclature “SAMADRITA” was established in the State by providing dedicating/ benevolent, welfare, beneficial and developmental services for the mass people of the State without any difference in case of Castes, Creed and Colour, as it is a non-religious/secular Welfare Organisation.

The Organisation was established with a view to render welfare, benefit, development of human resource, to raise the social status and rights of the women in the family as well as in the society, to work as sleepless guard to protect the rights of Disabled, upliftment of the targeted groups of people in general and Disabled in particular – are the strategy of our Organisation. Keeping this strategy in mind, the Organisation started economical development activities since its inception, so far possible from its own resources which are still continuing.

From the date of origin of our Organisation, on 15th August, 2004 it has completed 03 years of its existence in the State and going ahead gradually to achieve its vision and mission to reach its targeted destination. The target groups covered under the welfare activities of the Organisation are poor and destitute people, educationally and economically weaker sections.

The Registered Office & Head Quarter of the Organisation is located at Colonel Chowmuhani, P.O.- Agartala under Sadar Sub-Division of West Tripura District of the State of Tripura. The Organisation is by and large well equipped with required infrastructure, Office equipments, efficient Management with experienced personalities in multiple fields of welfare and development including dedicated and eminent social workers.

To implement welfare activities for overall development (upliftment of educational, economical, cultural & social status) of the deserving people in general and Disabled in particular, the following welfare activities are carried out by the Organisation. Conducting various Health Camps for free distribution of Medicines and to render help to the patients for treatment outside the State. Distributed Clothes, Books & Study materials to poor students with the assistance of our own resource. Conducting Awareness Generation Programmes on various issues relating to livelihood of the people. Conducting Awareness Programme on Dowry Prohibition as a measure of observance of “Dowry Prohibition Day”. Every year since inception of our Organisation, we have been observing other important Days of International and National significance viz. May Day, Anti Tobacco Day, World Environment Day, International Drug Abuse Prevention Day, Independence Day, Gandhiji’s Birth Day, Anti Dowry Day, International AIDS Day, World Disabled Day, Human Rights Day, Netaji’s Birth Day, Republic Day, International Women’s Day etc. etc. in befitting manner. In addition to the above, all types of Awareness Generation Programmes (in the form of Meeting/ Seminar/Workshop) on various important topics relevant to livelihood, healthy life, control and prevention of HIV/AIDS, Drug Abuse Prevention, Dowry Prohibition etc. have also been conducting. Besides, all the important Days of International and National significance are observed in befitting manners since inception of our Organization.

The Registered Office & Head Quarter of the Organisation is located at Colonel Chowmuhani, P.O.- Agartala under Sadar Sub-Division of West Tripura District of the State of Tripura. The Organisation is by and large well equipped with required infrastructure, Office equipments, efficient Management with experienced personalities in multiple fields of welfare and development including dedicated and eminent social workers.

To implement welfare activities for overall development (upliftment of educational, economical, cultural & social status) of the deserving people in general and Disabled in particular, the following welfare activities are carried out by the Organisation. Conducting various Health Camps for free distribution of Medicines and to render help to the patients for treatment outside the State. Distributed Clothes, Books & Study materials to poor students with the assistance of our own resource. Conducting Awareness Generation Programmes on various issues relating to livelihood of the people. Conducting Awareness Programme on Dowry Prohibition as a measure of observance of “Dowry Prohibition Day”. Every year since inception of our Organisation, we have been observing other important Days of International and National significance viz. May Day, Anti Tobacco Day, World Environment Day, International Drug Abuse Prevention Day, Independence Day, Gandhiji’s Birth Day, Anti Dowry Day, International AIDS Day, World Disabled Day, Human Rights Day, Netaji’s Birth Day, Republic Day, International Women’s Day etc. etc. in befitting manner. In addition to the above, all types of Awareness Generation Programmes (in the form of Meeting/ Seminar/Workshop) on various important topics relevant to livelihood, healthy life, control and prevention of HIV/AIDS, Drug Abuse Prevention, Dowry Prohibition etc. have also been conducting. Besides, all the important Days of International and National significance are observed in befitting manners since inception of our Organization.

Some Practical Activities, like to place an act of which the project statement may not take is complete shape. As per example on 2nd May of 2007 at Keprampara under Jirania Block, Samadrita organised a Mega Health Camp come Health Clinic. Keprampara is a mixed area both tribal and non tribal under a Noagaon GP. Hon’ble Ex Minister and running MLA Sri Pabitra Kar inaugurated the said camp as chief guest.

At that camp 1000 Nos. of Patients were treated by 10 Doctors from IGM and GB Hospital who were organised to attend in the camp. At that camp intending person/ patient has been investigated in respect of blood sugar, pressure and ECG Etc. Some photograph / paper clippings of said camp has been scanned below for strengthening this project recognition from the appropriate authority .

Similarly , Samadrita has organised cultural programme by the challenge and poor normal children upto the age of 10 both male and female. Total 600 Nos. children participated in sit and draw, recitation , dance (Rabindra Nazrul) and song (Rabindra Nazrul and Folk). This programme is continued for 15 days at the meeting hall of ST Corporation building and Dasarath Deb Auditorium, Supari Bagan. Few hundred of children along with the guardian enjoyed the programme. After completion said cultural programme Samadrita Organized distribution function at Music College where in Hon’ble Chief Minister was a Chief Guest , and Hon’ble Minister for Power etc. Sri Manik Dey as Guest of Honour. Hon’ble C.M. personally distributed prizes to the hand of the participants both challenge and normal Children. Some photograph and paper clippings has been scanned below:

SAMADRITA has it own office at Colonel Chowmuhani wherein a Project “Neurotheraph” is going on. A programme related with Neorotheraphy was organized at IMA Hall, J.B.Road, where in all India prominent Neorotherapist Dr. Ajoy Gandhi was present and addressed to the assemble / interest person .He treated some critical patient in the dias in presence of Hon’ble chief guest Sri Sankar Das, Chairperson Agartala Municipal Council. Some photograph and paper clippings has been scanned below:

SAMADRITA organized one Blood donation camp at IMA Hall near J.B. Road Agartala on 1st June 2008 where in Hon’ble Chief Minister Sri Manik Sarkar was Chief Guest and inaugurator. On that day about 200 Nos. of Audience attended out of which 52 Nos. as donated blood willingly whose photograph and paper clipping has been scanned below

Samadrita has got good response from all classes of the society . Even our pride Sri Manik Sarkar, Hon’ble Chief Minister Tripura has encourage two times to be inspired towards our aims and prospects. He also welcome Samadrita to meet his Secretary / Commissioner help for discussion to device point of help.

We have been receiving continuous appreciation and recognition from the field through implementation and continuation of ongoing welfare activities, the Organisation has decided to submit few Project proposals to the concerned funding authorities seeking financial assistance for furtherance and to extend the same to more and more new dimensions in different fields to provide beneficial and developmental services to the intended and uncovered people of the State, specially for the Disabled persons & children; which are expected to be implemented during the current financial year, if requisite grant-in-aid is received from the sponsoring authorities.

Contact Us

Ramnagar Road No. 4,
P.O. Ramnagar, Agartala, Tripura (West)
Phone :- 9436123830

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