Muharram & Vijaya Dashami in on single frame seen at Agartala today

Agartala, 18.10.2015: With countdown of Durga puja ending on Chaturthi on Saturday one expects record congregation on Panchami on Sunday in the different puja pandals across the city. On Saturday several thousand pandal hoppers were seen almost trying to gate crash even inside the pandals that were not inaugurated. Several clubs had to erect barricades […]
Agartala, 17.10.2015: Most pandals set up by different clubs are awaiting for opening on Saturday but some have opened on Friday itself. The final touches are being given to the pandals and pandal hoppers are already been seen in several pandals across the capital. The countdown has started well in advance for Durga puja this […]
Agartala, 16.08.2015: Here is a sneak peek by TRIPURA4U to the clubs that will draw the highest number of pandal hoppers during the Durga puja in Agartala. Chatrabandhu club that won national level prize last will draw huge crowds this year by bringing in singer Nachiketa in the inauguration of the pandal. This year the […]
Agartala, 15.10.2015: As many as 100 inter-community Durga pujas are being organised in Tripura this year to maintain its decades-old tradition of religious and communal harmony among different sects and communities.Besides Hindus, Muslims and Christians are also participating in Durga puja in as many as 13 different locations of the state. This is a unique […]